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Ancel Keys – The Cholesterol Troll

Dr Ancel Keys Sketch


There was a man

Called Ancel Keys

Wore white lab coat,

Had knobbly knees

Said Ancel Keys,

Without a stutter

“Your heart blows up,

If you eat butter”

“Cos’ butter, lard – 

That sort of fat,

Is bad for you

And that’s a Fact!”

“But Dr. Keys,

Butter is tasty!”

We cried in vain – 

“Don’t be so hasty!”

But Dr Keys

Did not back down

“’Tis Science!” exclaimed he,

With a frown –

“The Science tells us,

My good fellow,

You will die young

If you eat tallow”

“And eggs are deadlier

Than if you smoke –

Since eating yolks

Gives you a stroke”

“Butter’s delicious

When we feast,

But in there lurks

A hidden beast”

“A molecule, 

When eaten, that’s

Responsible for

Heart Attacks!”

Then hand on heart

He told us all

“Thou shalt not eat


With pious eyes,

He clearly stated

“Don’t eat the fat

That’s saturated!”

“For even in

The smallest doses

It’s what’s responsible

For thrombosis!”

The people then

All started crying

“So what kind of fat,

Must we fry in?!”

“Science” said he 


The fat should be


“Replace the fat,

With carbs”, said he

And longer shall

Your living be!

Then Dr Yudkin,

Addressed the crowd –

“It’s sugar that should

Not be allowed!”

“The bitter truth,

Is in what’s sweet

 Too much of it,

You shouldn’t eat”

And others too,

They disagreed

What Ancel Keys’

Had theoried.

“Goddam”, Thought Ancel

“You English prick!

I’ll show him I’ve

The bigger dick”

And in the papers,

He said stuff that,

Made Dr Yudkin

Look like a quack!


In his crusades

What Yudkin said,

For three decades!

Things really started 

getting muddied,

When Seven Countries,

Ancel studied

Quite Carefully he set about

Picking and selecting

The countries guaranteed to be

hypothesis protecting

And no surprise

The “Keys Equation”

When published

Terrified a nation!

With great lament

The public heard

That Ancel got,

The final word.

A pyramid,

He did bestow,

With fats above,

And carbs below.

Then Government

Proposed we eat,

A diet high

In whole grain wheat

And sugar was,

Not quite the curse

Because the fat was

So much worse!

The sugar barons

Laughed with cheer,

For this was what

They yearned to hear!

And industries for

 Corn, oil and flour,

Their time had come!

This was the hour!

Bright cereals

Filled up the aisles,

Packages showing

Children’s smiles!

Hands of the few

Received the wealth,

But profits made,

Were not in health!

All fifty years

Of eating Wheaties,

Gave to us all

Was diabetes.


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